Sunday 23 July 2017

From Amsterdam to Iceland, June-July 2017

Saturday, 18 June, 2017
Out trip doesn't start well; there is a delay of  4 hours for our flight with Southern China. Due to bad weather. So we walk in the airport and wait. SC did not offer even any refreshments , so we start our holiday by being (at least me) resentful.
My feelings towards CS do not improve during the flight; the doll like, lookalike stewardesses have very limited English, are not very friendly (maybe there is a language problem) the food is the worst possible and the entertainment   disappointing; there is a choice of movies but the sound is  poor and the subtitles Chinese (simplified)

Sunday, 19 June, 2017.

Amsterdam, Movenpick City Hotel.
The hotel is very elegant but definitely not central, despite a sign which says '6 minutes of walk'. We have no choice and start our holiday with a walk  to the Central Railway  Station  and from there along the canal. It is a long walk but the sun shines, people (lots of them) smile, there are flowers all around.  We end up in  an Asian district where   we sample some  food an meet a local cat (of course).

Monday, June 20, 2017
Time to start our tour in earnest.  At the tourist bureau we buy tickets for everything Amsterdam has to offer; boat rides along canals,  tickets to museums, food and water.  We sail along old and beautiful houses, listen to their story and arrive at the Rijn museum.  I have seen the pictures before and I can look for   my favourites and discover new ones to like.  We split; Naomi is taking Rachel on her  journey of discovery and Rachel, independent person, selects to admire the less famous.

Nice ship

The famous 'Watch'

This is a hammock, for the sailors to sleep 

I still like  Rembrandts's The Jewish  wife

We cross  to the cafeteria, eat on bizarre  roundabouts and arrive at the Van Gogh museum.
Lots of  paintings re now in Melbourne but they are not missed here. The exhibition is a  feast of shapes and colours, as only Van Gogh could  create

 The famous (among so many) 'Potato eaters'

 and The Irises

A sketch which lets me into his mind

Exhibit 'Rachel'

 It was hard  to get away so we miss the return boat. Just as five  years ago.

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