Sunday 23 July 2017

From Amsterdam to Iceland, June-July 2017

Tuesday, 21 June, 2017
The Amsterdam Museum is a must  so we go there.  I follow obediently  the historical  path from settlement  to modern Holland while Naomi and Rachel  discover a fashion exhibition. 'Wonderful' both say. The highlight  of today  though is the Begjinhof,  a housing project set up in 1346 . The stylish houses, perfectly maintained are set in a perfectly cared for, serene, garden.  We walk along the winding path, admire , take photos. The old plaques which have been saved from demolished houses indicating ownership are  worth a close look.


 and a first lodger
 the oldest house
 old plaques
 We discover a stationery shop selling old and new writing tools. We are in Holland after all

Wednesday, 22 June, 2017

Anne Frank  house for Naomi and Rachel and walk along the canal for me. Lunch at 'prince'is special, not because of the sandwiches but because it is in an old  wooden house with prints to match.  Rembrandt might come in for a pint. Naomi and Rachel decide to climb the Westerkerk, to admire the view. I admire their determination and sit on a bench outside the church. I have a magnificent view too.

Dutch cats
,We find out how Dutch people care for stray cats; They  house them in a boat. People are encouraged to adopt a cat and pay a donation

Tuesday, 23 June, 2017

Our last day here but we make  good use of it. Naomi and Rachel go paddling down the canal - a delightful  experience they tell me-  while I visit the Dam, a central place, mentioned as a 'must see' in guide books. It might look better without the crowds. Also, the Royal Palace is closed. Dinner here  is special though, with  dishes changing daily and not written in a menu.
It starts raining, hard. We are off the next day.

Oh, Amsterdam

We  take a night  cruise and admire those magnificent building all lit up and those seven bridges all in line behind each other. Pity my camera doesn't  work in the dark


Thursday, 23 June, 2017

To Rotterdam by train
We  have one day here and decide to visit The Windmills - since we are in Holland.
The weather is  still fine, we take  the boat that will take us to the  Windmill  Village. Pity we cannot spend more time here, we have time for only one windmill visit. We climb the  winding stairs, study the  furniture and try to see ourselves living this life. I would like to visit more windmills, walk along the canal...we get to the boat just before it leaves.

Life in a  windmill

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